Friday 27 June 2014

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fake ray bans Some of its warlords, it is not the same it. This military assistance treaties signed and before the first naval cooperation program is different. The biggest feature is that naval cooperation program is to help the company entered into Bethlehem, in principle, is a commercial contract between the company and the Fujian junta Bethlehem, and the subsequent military assistance treaty is signed between the U.S. government and the military government signed Fujian formal trade treaty. Of course, there are also common ground that the two contracts are for various reasons, can not be officially announced, and even uses a secret way.

Limitations based on the contract,fake ray ban sunglasses, the money have been limited purposes, such as naval cooperation program in unsecured loans must be used exclusively for the reconstruction of the Navy, and the military assistance program where there are fifteen million must be used to purchase U.S. products, and the remaining fifteen million U.S. dollars to makefreedom scheduling. Although able to get our hands on today is only about thirty million silver dollars, but Chen Jingyun for this result is very satisfactory. Many things can not see the surface, and now the Americans themselves put more than fifty million U.S. dollars, then it represents a follow- Americans will continue to invest in themselves, which is a long-term plan, or even wait until they occupy the south of the Yangtze River when China 's reunification, it will have its own capital in exchange for greater financial and technical assistance to the United States, as long as the United States wants China 's huge market, but also wants to ease the enormous pressure brought by the Anglo-Japanese alliance, the United States must continue to provide assistance to it.

Equipment and technology is mainly responsible for these things, Fuzhou Arsenal side, how should I say this, because there is both Fujian and Zhejiang province, Fuzhou arsenal of heavy industry, it was only a basic, which cheap ray bans are filature like light. And after the Fuzhou Arsenal after continuous expansion andinvesting heavily expansion, has become a very huge arms industry group, which subordinates light weapons factory, artillery, chemical plants, steel mills and its various subsidiaries cheap ray bans can be said to constitute a factory a complete system of heavy industry, heavy industry affairs so basically had to Fuzhou arsenal aspects.